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  • Writer's pictureJohn Larrimer

OSHA Cites Trucking Company Following Fatal Accident

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued fines to Plains Trucking following a fatal workplace accident in Ross, North Dakota, according to Fleet Owner.

The worker died in a March 27 accident in which he was cleaning out the inside of an oil tanker when it exploded. Another worker had lowered a treble light into the tanker as it was being cleaned, which is not safe for the conditions inside the tanker, causing the explosion. The worker that lowered the light suffered a concussion and a head laceration.

“The company failed in its responsibility to train workers and evaluate the working conditions of confined spaces, which carry unique hazards, before allowing workers to enter,” said OSHA spokesperson Eric Brooks. “No job should cost a person’s life because of an employer’s failure to properly protect and train workers.”

OSHA cited a total of eight safety violations, including for a lack of guards on machines and failure to implement a respiratory protections program. The citation issued in relation to this incident was for the use of unapproved electrical lighting for a hazardous location. Proposed fines total $28,000. There is more information on workers comp available on our site. Please contact our firm today for a free consultation.

Tip of the week: Even if a supervisor gives you orders, never risk the safety of yourself and other workers in a facility or on a job site.

Larrimer & Larrimer, LLC—Columbus Workers Comp Attorneys

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