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Writer's pictureJohn Larrimer

Turnpike Worker Killed in Worksite Accident

Forest John Fletcher, a 53-year old Turnpike Commission worker, died in a tragic workplace accident on January 24, according to in Cleveland. The accident occurred on the turnpike when a vehicle struck Fletcher. The accident remains under investigation. The Ohio State Highway Patrol is urging all drivers to use caution in wake of the deadly accident.

“You can choose to follow signs, slow down, leave extra room, choose not to text and drive,” said State Highway Patrol Sgt. Robert Sellers. “Those are all choices you can make.”

The accident occurred in a work zone, marked with orange barrels. Construction crews typically implement safety measures for workers on the highway.

“There are shifting lane patterns, there’s reduced speeds, there are cones, there’s workers present [signs],” Sellers said. A worker, called a flagger, also monitors traffic for the crew with an air horn ready to warn the crew. The horn was in fact sounded, alerting one worker who was able to move to safety.

Over 5,000 accidents occur in work zones every year. Sellers says the responsibility for the road crews’ safety ultimately lies on the drivers, but the construction company must take all precautions to ensure workers’ safety.

Larrimer & Larrimer, LLC—Columbus workers comp attorneys.

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