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  • Writer's pictureJohn Larrimer

Railroad Whistleblowers Finally Compensated

According to the Federal Railroad Safety Act (FRSA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act, it states clearly that it is illegal to fire a worker that reports workplace injuries. Even past the illegality of it, firing whistleblowers creates a workplace that encourages workers to turn a blind eye to safety violations. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently found Grand Trunk Western Railway and Union Pacific Railway guilty of suspending workers who reported injuries.

“When employees are disciplined for reporting workplace injuries, safety concerns or illnesses, worker safety and health are clearly not the company’s priority,” said the OSHA regional administrator in Chicago. “More than 60 percent of the FRSA complaints filed with OSHA against railroad companies involve an allegation that a railroad worker has been retaliated against for reporting an on-the-job injury. This is unacceptable and a culture that must be changed.”

The companies involved are required to pay the employees their lost wages plus interest, punitive and compensatory damages, along with attorney’s fees.

If you fear that your employer would suspend or terminate your employment if you spoke out about safety conditions at the workplace, reach out to us. Since 1929, Larrimer & Larrimer, LLC has been there for injured workers. Our workers compensation attorneys defend the rights of whistleblowers and injured workers and secure the full compensation that they need to get their lives back on track. For more information or free legal advice, contact us. To schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss your particular situation in detail, call us today at (614) 221-7548.

Larrimer & Larrimer, LLC—Columbus Workers Comp Attorneys

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