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  • Writer's pictureJohn Larrimer

OSHA Cites U.S. Minerals For Repeat Offenses

The United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited the Illinois-based U.S. Minerals, LLC for six safety violations at their Baldwin facility. OSHA inspected the facility on allegations that U.S. Minerals failed to protect against falls, provide personal protection and control hazardous energy sources.

“U.S. Minerals continues to expose workers to hazards associated with energy control procedures, including willfully violating lockout and tagout procedures and exposing workers to amputation hazards,” said the OSHA area director. “U.S. Minerals repeatedly has been cited at this facility and others for failing to protect workers from these hazards. OSHA is committed to ensuring employers abide by the law, which requires common-sense safety practices that U.S. Minerals must follow.”

Inspectors found that the company willfully failed to install railings on catwalks 40 feet in the air. In addition, the company failed to implement safety procedures to power down equipment during maintenance. OSHA also inspected the Baldwin facility four years ago and identified similar safety violations. As a result, U.S. Minerals was placed on the Severe Violator Enforcement Program and OSHA inspected their other facilities in Coffeen, Illinois, Harvey, Louisiana and Galveston, Texas. A total of 96 violations were found during the subsequent investigations.

I Need A Workers’ Compensation Attorney In Illinois

If you are exposed to industrial hazards on a daily basis but have not spoken out due to fear of termination, we can help. Our Columbus workers’ compensation attorneys have over 80 years of combined experience defending the rights of injured workers and whistleblowers. For more information about how we can assist in your particular case, contact us. To schedule a confidential consultation with one of our Columbus workers’ compensation lawyers, call today at (614) 221-7548.

Larrimer & Larrimer, LLC—Columbus Workers Comp Attorneys

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