The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited A & B Foundry and Machining LLC in Franklin, Ohio for a total of 33 safety violations, according to EHS Today. OSHA officials inspected the facility near Cincinnati, which employs 55 employees, give or take.
Citations include violations for failure to provide personal protective equipment for all employees, failure to implement noise and chemical hazard training and a repeat violation for failure to fit-test respirators. These are some very serious violations—proposed fines total $170,000.
“A & B Foundry & Machining has a responsibility to train and protect workers from known industry hazards, such as exposure to noise, respiratory and machine guarding,” said OSHA Regional Director Bill Wilkerson. “Programmed inspections help OSHA achieve its goals of reducing worker injuries and illnesses by directing enforcement resources to industries where the highest rate of injuries and illness have occurred.”
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury or an illness as a result of a high-risk occupation, please call our firm today at (614) 221-7548—you may be eligible for workers comp benefits.
Tip of the week: In 2007, 7 out of every 100 warehouse or storage workers suffered an injury.
Larrimer & Larrimer, LLC—Columbus workers comp lawyers