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  • Writer's pictureJohn Larrimer

Columbus Workers Comp Attorneys Disturbed by Repeat OSHA Offender

A garbage company in Clyde, Ohio is once again facing fines from the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for workplace violations. Fultz and Son Inc. has been cited by OSHA in the past for safety violations—in fact, FSI was recently cited by the Department of Labor and ordered to pay $14,000 in back overtime wages to employees.

Following worker complaints, OSHA officials inspected the FSI facility in Clyde about a hazardous workplace. OSHA issued formal citations on January 30 for failure to properly train employees on forklift operation and licensing, a lack of proper guardrails on a conveyor belt on a recessed floor. Proposed fines total $5,600. FSI blamed the violations relating to forklift operation on a “paperwork issue.”

“We’re not trying to hide anything,” said FSI Office Assistant Kendra Fultz. “We’re a small business, and we follow the rules like anyone else. We welcome OSHA to come into our business any day of the week.”

It is hard to give FSI the benefit of the doubt considering its track record with OSHA.

Please contact our firm for a free consultation if you need assistance in filing for workers comp.

Larrimer & Larrimer, LLC—Columbus Workers Comp Attorneys

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