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  • Writer's pictureJohn Larrimer

OSHA Cites New Hampshire Facility for Serious Violations

Officials from the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)cited a Franklin Non-Ferrous Foundry in Franklin, New Hampshire for serious workplace safety violations, according to Officials uncovered four serious violations and four willful violations. This is not the Foundry’s first brush with OSHA either, the company has a history of OSHA violations.

Violations stemming from the most recent inspection include failure to protect employees from exposure to lead and a failure to measure a ventilation system to gauge its effectiveness. These are serious OSHA violations. Proposed fines total $186,000.

“This employer is well aware of the necessary procedures to safeguard workers against lead exposure hazards, having been cited for 62 violations of OSHA’s lead standard since 1998, yet has chosen to disregard them,” said OSHA regional director Rosemarie Ohar. “The sizeable fines proposed here reflect not only the severity of these hazards but this employer’s clear knowledge of and failure to address them.”

If you suffered and injury or illness at your place of work and need to file for workers comp, please call our office at (614)221-7548 for a free consultation.

Larrimer & Larrimer, LLC—Columbus workers comp attorneys.

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